Digital Antenna Installation

What are the factors that make an impact on the digital antenna installation and its price

  • Are you ever facing the issue of bad picture quality, and signal?
  • So what should you do to improve the picture quality?
  • Are you looking for professional assistance with indoor digital antenna installation or loft antenna point installation or even aerial point installation?

We are expert digital antenna installation professionals in Brisbane ready to help you get rid of such issues and let you enjoy the best quality views at no extra cost. However, all such thing and its pricing will base on several factors; such as:

Digital Antenna Installation
  • Number of TV points you need 

The antenna point installation and its costs are primarily based on the number of points you need. You may need to install it on the other side of your lounge room, guest room, master bedroom, or kid’s bedroom. If you are not sure where to install it, our professional antenna point installation technicians in Melbourne can help you with it! The more TV points you install at a time will cost you less per unit. Hence, think carefully about any future TV locations and get them all done in one go.

  • Where you want to install the TV Point

More distance causes more cable and more equipment is needed for better picture quality. If the TV points are closed to the digital antenna installation area, then it will need less cable, less installation cost.

  • The nature of your building

Single-storey or multi-story or apartment can be deceiving for digital antenna installation, aerial point installation. Single-storey will always cost less than multi-storey homes for many reasons.

It may be due to less cable need between your digital antenna installation and your aerial point installation. Also, you may not need to feed the cable through the internal walls. Of course, it could be complicated in multi-storey large units or complexes. You’ll probably need to seek approval before your TV point installation as well. Furthermore, it will take more time and equipment involved to get the job done safely.

  • Location of your home

Suppose your home is situated in an urban area. In that case, it will be cheaper for our digital antenna installation team in Brisbane. We also take less time and money to attend situations. It happens due to the less travelling expenses, which will be just opposite in case of a remote area.

  • Your wall types

The nature of the wall is also decidable for antenna point installation and its cost. If your wall is made from bricks, wood, concrete, then it will affect the approach and materials for building. It also involves more cable length that needs to be concealed internally. The internal or external cabling can be detrimental because exterior walls may cost less in comparison to internal cabling.

  • Any extras you need to be included. 

If you already have a TV point and have a terrible signal, then you probably need a signal splitter at your original point. If the distance is a little bit more than the situation may get complicated. You probably need the assistance of our specialized digital antenna installation in Brisbane right away. Based on the situation we recommend adding amplifiers for splitting multiple TV wall points, upgrading the digital antenna installation and cables for achieving a picture quality.

For more information and the best price quote about digital antenna and antenna point installation, please visit today!

The costly mistakes that need avoidance while having aerial point installation

Having aerial point installation is the job of professionals like us at Express Antenna Services. As we are associated with the telecommunication business, we are still working during this period of the pandemic to make your life easier by making it possible to have extra aerial points in your house enabling you to watch your favored TV show. We maintain all safety precautions so that there is no chance of any COVID- 19 infections. We wear masks and gloves. We also use hand sanitizers and maintain the social distance to avoid any nature of infections. You can likewise make our payments through contactless means.

While we install aerial points, we make sure that there is the avoidance of four costly mistakes so that your TV reception is best.

Not have oversized antennas

We make sure that you do not buy a big TV antenna. We generally have a misconception that if the antenna is oversized, the picture quality will be better. It is not precisely so. The quality of the picture depends on the internal components like the circuits and proper installation. While we come to install aerial points, we make sure that the aerial is of the right size and has adequate installation.

Avoid having a wrong height

Having an antenna at a higher height is not responsible for having proper reception and a clear picture. If we see that the installation of an antenna is at a height, but there is an obstruction in the way of reception we change that and make sure that you have ideal reception at the aerial point that we install.

We can offer the best TV aerial repair in Brisbane. The experience and knowledge to repair antennas help us to ascertain any defect with the antenna. So, if we see, there is a wrong positioning of the antenna we rectify that after having your permission.

Avoid faulty wire connection

While installing aerial points at your house if we notice that the reception is not acceptable then we check the wire connection. It sometimes happens that due to a faulty wire connection, the reception is not perfect. You can depend on us as we have been dealing with TV antennas for years and can rectify the defective wire connection. It is for sure that after having the wire connection repaired by us, you will have the best reception at the aerial points.

Purchasing the wrong materials

As we are professionals, we never make the mistake of buying inappropriate materials. We buy the exact materials required for any job we do. Be it aerial repair or installation of aerial points we make sure you do not have to spend a penny more for the materials purchased. There would be no wastage of materials of inferior quality materials, which will lead to buying again. We use materials of reputed brands, which last longer, and not let you have more expensive to repair or install an antenna or aerial points at a short interval.

We stand by your side with any work related to the antenna. Having our services it is for sure you will have the best of receptions at any aerial point inside your house.

Reasons why you should not hire an amateur or an electrician for aerial point installation

Antennas are generally directive and receive or transmit better signals in one direction. To ensure its best performance, it is necessary that the aerial point installation or the digital antenna installation should be done with professional assistance rather than hiring an amateur or an electrician or incompetent people. You can rest assured that our digital antenna installation in Brisbane does the best job for aerial point installation, align it accurately or point the antenna in the right direction. We understand that alignment or orientation is crucial for any aerial point antenna installation or digital antenna installation process. Incorrectly aligned or pointing antenna will perform poorly.

Often people experience TV reception issues or need a new aerial point or digital antenna installation, call an electrician! But they are unaware of their qualifications and expertise to do the job. Audio Video or antenna cabling are different then electricity works. Installing a television antenna on a roof is not only dangerous but requires technical knowledge that the average DIY homeowner or regular electrician may not possess.

Electricians are neither experienced nor trained in antenna installation or repairs. They are trained in electrical jobs like wiring and lighting, but the electrician that hold valid license and skill to undertake the job can assist with your antenna. Unfortunately, we are finding that people face signal issues due to poor antenna installation by incompetent people or even incorrectly installed by electricians. Mentioned here are a few reasons you should get our professional antenna installation technician over an amateur or an electrician:

Not having a valid license.

Many electricians never carry the appropriate license to deal with the aerial point or digital antenna installation or repairs. Often they don’t hold the proper support, tools, knowledge to install or work on antenna cabling as we do. Antenna cabling is coaxial cabling; hence it’s essential to get a professional to install your antenna. Also, the electrician license does not cover Antenna, Telephone, Security, Network Cabling. Our digital antenna installation technicians in Brisbane can complete the job without any issue and ensure you have the best TV signal up to expectation.

Lack of professional tools or faulty equipment.

To get better TV reception, your aerial point installation might need different amplifiers and a specific antenna based on the tower’s distance. Often electricians may not have an idea over the amplifiers, signal catching tools, test equipment, and a wide range of parts necessary to make the antenna system work optimally. We are experienced in Brisbane’s digital antenna installation field and have years of experience in the concerned job. We have knowledge, skill, equipment, and parts to provide the best results possible without frustrating audio or picture breakups.

Additional TV outlets.

Most people want to have more than one television but operate them from a single television antenna. Our professional TV antenna installer can quickly install several outlets, so every TV in your home produces a great picture and clear sound. If the audio or video quality is not up to satisfaction, we can add the required amplifier to enhance the new TV outlet’s signal. Electricians don’t have the license or precise tools to run the cabling needed for new TV outlets.

Accurate job done with the first visit

We have vast experience in the TV antenna installation and generate numerous information about the lousy TV signal issued. We put together our best effort, knowledge, skill, and expertise to identify the issue and fix it on the first visit. Our professional TV antenna installer team gives you a clear view of what to expect from a professionally installed antenna. We ensure you purchase the proper equipment suited for your location.

Investing in a superior quality TV antenna after professional consultation and professional antenna installation will assure you get the quality picture and best value for longer. For a professional, high-quality antenna installation, you can talk to antenna and reception specialist Jon Burfield today!

What Is TV Point Installation and Why Do You Need It?

Is it wise to have more than one TV point? Having extra TV points in a home means you have more options to enjoy your favorite shows in more than one location. It is as simple as adding extra TV points involves adding new TV antenna wall sockets to any other place in the home. It enables you to watch TV from the comfort of your bed and catch your favorite shows. Don’t worry, even if your kids want to watch something else in any room of your house. With the addition of extra TV points, you can watch TV when you want, wherever you want. At Express Antenna Service we can make the things easy no matter the antenna or signal issue. Do you want to add a new TV point in the bedroom or family room or any part in your home? No matter your rooftop antenna type or signal strength is like, we can make it work!

Wicked TV signal or reception can happen due to faulty TV antenna outlet. Furthermore, if the TV antenna cable is being repeatedly plugged in and out for connection will make the things loose and damaged. It is often happening in rental premises, school classrooms, offices or retail areas. One more thing that brings the necessity for extra TV point installation is renovating or remodeling your home. Probably it may require adding new antenna outlets. The popularity of using wall-mounted televisions has increased the need for placing new TV point installation. Also, it will reduce the use of messy cables. Televisions can be used in more places in a home than ever before! You can add it in the kitchen, bedrooms, and garage or any popular locations for TVs. Watching TV outdoor space can be a favorite amusement activity for many homes.

Extra TV point installations are nothing but adding the holes in the wall where you plug your TV antenna cables to get digital TV reception. They look just like electrical outlets where you can plug in the cable. Instead of three small rectangular holes, it is a single round hole in the middle of the outlet. It can be installed anywhere you wish in your house that you need to be able to connect to free-to-air TV stations. It will make your job easy to run multiple TV with a single antenna. If you don’t achieve the best reception or picture quality, then we can install an amplifier for a series of TV systems.

So what should be the cost of an adding a new TV point installation? Extra TV point installation costs start at around $120, but it could be more based on the time required and the materials or equipment used to get the job done. Getting extra antenna points installed will cost you more, as it includes the additional cost for parts like cable, sockets, and the time required to install the new locations. It is simple to understand that a single-level dwelling with one antenna point introduced, costs will be closer to the $120 mark, but multiple TV point installation services together means you pay less per TV point as a whole.

We are fully licensed, trained TV antenna technicians who can help you for adding extra TV points or outlets. Our team of TV specialists carry out everything including antenna and extra TV outlet. We have vast experience in the TV antenna installation repair service and we give our best effort to do the job quickly and professionally. We pride ourselves on our speedy response, so give us a call today, and we can help you get the best TV signal in no time. Also, we can do the job on the same day of your call!

What extra TV points installation and what you should know before the installation process

It’s common to own multiple TVs in your home in this modern technological world. In fact, it’s rare to come across a home in Australia that doesn’t have extra TV outlets. If you don’t have the extra TV points or you want to add extra TV points, you can trust to call Express Antenna Services. We will provide you quick and efficient extra TV points installation services and guide you with everything you need to know before the installation.

So what is extra TV points installation service, and why do you need it? It involves adding new TV points with antenna wall sockets. These are the connective holes to plug in your TV antenna cables to get better digital TV reception. The extra TV points will look like electrical outlets, one round hole in the middle where you can plug in the TV. Extra TV points installation can have done anywhere in your house to connect free-to-air TV stations.

One benefit of adding extra TV points means you will get the freedom to watch TV anywhere in your home. You can add any number of TV points as you wish based on the furniture and layout in your home. If you get a new sofa set or the sun makes the lounge too glary, you can add extra TV points to shift your TV quickly. You can run different TVs in different places as multiple TV points means you can watch various shows at the same time within your home. You can view your favorite channel while allowing your kids to watch their cartoons. We help you in adding more options and flexibility as your family grows or you do an extension.

So, where do you add the extra TV points? Apart from the existing TV room; you can add additional TV points installation in different places to entertain yourself. Some of them are:

  • The opposite side of your TV room or lounge
  • Your bedroom
  • Your kids’ bedrooms
  • Your spare bedroom or guest suite
  • The rumpus room
  • The garage
  • The shed
  • Out near the BBQ

Are there particular walls better for TV point installation? You can install a TV point nearly on any wall, but some are more comfortable and ideally suited than others. Keeping the new TV point installation close to the TV will minimize the cords. We run the cable through the wall cavity from your digital antenna to your TV outlet, so the wall cavity should be free from other elements. If the wall is made of brick, concrete, or timber, then we can run the cable over the wall and cover it with an insulated protector.

Is there any electrical outlet and a TV Point Installed next to each other? It is wise to put your TV point installation next to an electrical outlet because your TV needs the power to run and also need to run the antenna connection to get digital TV reception.

Is the extra TV points affect my reception? Extra TV point addition means splinting of existing signal strength. Don’t worry! We can add the necessary capacity amplifier to boost the signal and ensure you get good reception on all your TVs.

Why is it ideal to go with a professional TV point installation? If you’re not a qualified and experienced digital/antenna technician, then you should leave the job of extra TV points installation to us. Here’s why :

  • It’s risky
  • Antenna cables can have electrical currents
  • You probably don’t have the right equipment
  • It takes more time!
  • It may give rise to subsequent complex problems
  • DIY does not mean you’ll pay less
  • Your TV signal may be reduced

Call Jon Burfield on 0409 908 221 for a free quote or book your extra TV points installation services! We assure you will get your full TV service on the same day.

Reasons to have indoor digital TV antenna in Brisbane

While digital TV has been one of the most noteworthy necessities in the modern age, it truly will not do much without a completely practical digital TV antenna. Not just digital TV antenna gets you the best channels, yet it likewise furnishes you with the best quality reception in your general vicinity. It is all acceptable, and you get the advantage of having the best quality TV experience when you have a digital TV antenna in Brisbane from us at Express Antenna Services.

Yet, you can make your review experience much better by utilizing indoor digital TV antenna. This sort of antennas can bring a great deal of comfort concerning giving the best signals whenever, anywhere. It additionally endures longer since it is introduced inside, giving it most extreme assistance for you and your family. Aside from the ones referenced, there are different preferences for utilizing an indoor digital TV antenna:

Bid farewell to Cable Bills 

The most evident advantage of having a digital TV antenna is the opportunity of not paying the monthly cable bills. We as a whole love digital TV for the numerous fun and energizing channels that it gives. Nevertheless, in all actuality, you will not have the option to observe each network, which implies it does not merit the regularly scheduled instalment.  

Having a TV antenna permits you to see the same number of free over-the-air communicate channels as you can. Among the free systems are the basic channels – news, music, lifestyle, kid’s shows for the children, and some more. That implies just by getting a digital TV antenna; you would already be able to appreciate the advantages of what cable can likewise give, less the costly regularly scheduled instalment.  

Constant TV Watching 

Having a digital TV antenna from us permits you to continue viewing your preferred stations in any event, when satellite signals or cable is frail or inaccessible. Digital TV antenna can be valuable in territories where cyclones and a few other characteristic disasters are a typical event. Satellite and cable signs can be lost effectively during the cloudy climate. However, with indoor digital TV antenna in Brisbane, you can make the most of your preferred shows regardless.

Set aside More Cash 

Digital TV antennas are advantageous in case you are on a tight spending plan. It costs not exactly a standard outdoor antenna, yet still gives a similar measure of quality reception once you introduce it the correct way. Likewise, since you are done depending on the cable to get the channels you need, you can set aside a ton of cash and spend it on different things.

Pick Digital Antennas Now 

There is no doubt about the potential comfort that indoor digital TV antenna can bring. On the off chance, that you are keen on having such an antenna you can depend on us. We are also experienced and have the knowledge to offer professional TV antenna repair in Brisbane. We are just a phone call away even during this period of the COVID-19 pandemic.

How To Pick The Best Digital TV Antenna In Brisbane

You have ditched that satellite of cable TV subscription, but don’t leave yourself in the dark from sports, news, movies and TV shows. It is absolutely feasible that you could be just as contended with over-the-air channels which cost absolutely nothing to watch. To get started all you need is a digital TV antenna and Television unit. 

Not sure how to pick the best digital TV antenna in Brisbane that will offer you plenty of channels in HD quality to watch for free? Here is what you need to consider:

Location: Indoor models are in demand as they can be installed in concealed places that are hardly noticed. Secure it a window or wall, and you are done. However, if you like a retro look, digital television antennas can still be bought in the ‘rabbit ears’ style. On the contrary, outdoor models sit on top of your roof & can sidestep some signal-obstructing objects. 

Direction: A digital television antenna can be omnidirectional or directional. Each comes with their own set of benefits. In case of an omnidirectional model, the signal will approach from more than one direction and possibly augment the number of channels accessible. On the other hand, a directional model will attract signals from a particular area, and therefore lead to a stronger signal but probably lesser channels. Except you are placed in a considerable proximity from any metropolitan region or facing a genuine amount of obstacle, it is wise to pick a multi-directional model to avail more channels. 

Range: Among all the diverse digital television antennas, you will find a number listed as the range. It shows just how far the antenna can reach to catch a signal. The higher the range, the more channels you are expected to get. Still, digital television antennas must battle through objects such as trees, mountains and buildings in order to avail a signal. 

How much do digital TV antennas cost?

How much a digital TV antenna costs relies completely on the kind of antenna you require to pick up the channels you wish. Generally, single television antennas cost between $10 and $40, whereas outdoor and attic antennas are usually in the range of $60-$150, 

Has your old TV antenna been causing issues and got you thinking about an upgrade? Get your Digital Antenna Installation in Brisbane done by Express Antenna Service. With innumerable satisfied customers we have become Australia’s household name for the best reception solutions available. Feel free to get in touch with us at 0409 908 221!

What to have an additional TV aerial or additional TV points

You just need to stroll down the road and admire notice that every family unit in the area has an alternate television aerial arrangement.

Not all homes have a particular television aerial; a few clients do decide to have another television aerial fitted for extra televisions they have bought after the first has been set up, however, this is turning out to be less and less normal. When completing our establishments we at Express Antenna Services will, in general, suggest fitting extra TV points installation simultaneously, to spare the cost of purchasing another aerial sometime in the not too distant future.

What is The Perfect Arrangement? 

We propose that the best answer for your television aerial arrangement is to utilize one single television aerial that has the most innovative detail feasible for productive, ideal execution. At the point when we interface this to an amplified splitter, it will move the signal from your aerial to various televisions around the home. All you need is some additional television aerial points to associate your TVs up to the amplifier with, we can put in new points for you the same day much of the time to get you going quicker.

Not exclusively will your structure look tidier with no additional television aerials standing out from behind the fireplace breast; however, you can likewise decide to have the same number of television aerial points fitted as you like, so you’re not limited on what number of televisions you can decide to fit inside your property.

We can put in new television aerials and include additional television points for you 

We put in new television aerials and additional television points at local properties over Logan. We complete a free diagnostics check and no quibble quotation for you to recommend the ideal arrangement for your television points. Call us today and organize a complimentary home visit from one of our specialists.

At Express Antenna Services, you can book a meeting with one of our certified and gifted designers to visit your home and complete the establishment to add extra TV points with speed and proficiency, without making disturbance to your family unit or business property. We will even be accessible for proceeded with support of your aerial and additional TV points and can help with further increases should they be required.  

With extra TV points introduced in the home, there needs to be no worry about the accessibility of a TV when it is the ideal opportunity for your preferred television arrangement or game.

For more data on additional TV points introduction from Express Antenna Services and about new digital antenna installation, digital antenna upgrade, digital amplifier, additional phone and data points and flat-screen wall mounting, get in contact with us today.

Get the best TV performance with professional aerial point installation

The position you select for your aerial has a significant impact on your TV performance. It may not be a big concern in a strong signal area. In poor reception locations, it can make a substantial variance between a good picture and something unwatchable. TV Aerial position at a top-level may be quite satisfactory in some cases, but in some areas, the TV aerials have varied in performance from poor to useless! So it is wise to rely on a professional TV aerial installation team like Express Antenna Service. We can predict the most suitable TV aerial, depending on the situation and need. 

It is often easier to install a loft aerial than a rooftop one. We are the local experts for aerial point installation, maintenance, and repair of digital TV aerials, satellite dishes and TV aerial repair in Brisbane. We provide comprehensive facilities and repairs service for digital aerials and aerial points throughout Brisbane and its surrounding areas. We do each of our TV aerial installation, repair, and aerial point installation job with care and attention. We understand the importance of extra aerial points within the household and place of work.

The preference for watching TV is varied from person to person. It could one of the regions that make homeowners go for adding new aerial point installation in the bedroom, kitchen, or dining room, or any other you like. At Express Antenna Service, we offer a comprehensive aerial point installation and TV aerial repair Brisbane. We can install new TV outlets throughout the house as required by clients. Using our advanced TV signal analysis equipment, technical skill, and experience, we can identify the real cause of your antenna’s poor reception. We only replace the necessary parts such as mount and local connectors, if it is essential. This way, you aren’t being charged for a full antenna installation. Hence save your time and money. We work to meet your bespoke requirements ensuring that you have aerial points installed precisely where you want them throughout your property. Rest assured that our quality aerial point installation is done with perfection and will build to last for longer.

If you have poor TV reception, there is a good chance that your TV aerial may be broken or in poor condition. At Express Antenna Service, you can book an appointment with one of our expert and most talented engineers to visit your home and complete the installation. We are committed to delivering the job with speed and efficiency. We offer our best practice in TV aerial repair, ensuring you get a much stronger and better quality signal at each aerial point. Also, we work with due care without disrupting your household or business property. We’ll also available for continued maintenance of your aerial and aerial points and can help with further additions should they be needed.

Poor TV reception doesn’t always mean a new antenna! Honest and integrity is the core of everything we do. We won’t try to sell you a new one! We are experts in the industry and know what to do for better TV reception. We will troubleshoot your picture issues and get to the cause of the problem. We start with “quick assessment” and provide a quote for full service or continue with troubleshooting service, whichever will be better & cheaper for the customer. With additional aerial points installed in the home, there needs to be no concern about the availability of a television when it’s time for your favorite TV series or sporting event.

If you need an Antenna installed/repair, aerial point installation in your business or home Express Antenna Service has you covered. For more information, get in touch with us today.

Factors that go into your mind for an extra TV points installation

Are you getting better picture quality for what you pay while it comes to your TV point installation? Are you getting a TV connection for the first time in your home or installing an extra TV point? It’s crucial to understand the need for additional TV point installation or is involved in standard pricing. That way, you won’t get ripped off! Also, you won’t get surprised by the quotes you get back. 

Why you need more TV points installed? 

Your home probably has one or two TV points in your home. It may not be enough to meet the basic entertainment in your family. Here’s why we often called out to add extra TV points:

  • Modification in room layout – Are you changing in the room layout but feel restricted by the existing TV location? Why not add a few more extra TV points’ installations? We provide you the best option to shift your furniture and TV around or move them back again later.
  • Converting office room to bedroom – Are you renovating your office to an extra bedroom, or you have some more space for guests, or you might even add value to your home? You might like to book our extra TV point installation.
  • Bed rooms to living room – Do you have a large bedroom, and you plan to turn it into your new living room? You may dismantle the wall to extend your existing living area. Either way, this can mean you’ll need to have the extra TV point’s installation, or your real location moved.
  • Growing family – With time, the kids get older and most likely wish to have a TV in their space so they can watch their shows without interruption. Also, you will get the privacy in your bedroom while watching your favorite shows in your living area.

Short-stay accommodation or granny home – More and more people are renting out spare rooms and granny flats. The best way you can add extra value to your guest’s room is by adding TV! 

Why Hire a Professional TV Point Installer

Perhaps people prefer the DIY approach for extra TV point’s installation as it will cost you less! So many reasons are there why you shouldn’t prefer the DIY approach! You are not an expert to deal with the hard to do installation situation. So you should hire our professional, extra TV point installation. Here’s why:  

  • Safety – We deal the extra TV point’s setup safely and handle the heights, electrical, and much more issues while ensuring your TV wall point is 100% safe to use 
  • Experience – All our extra TV point installation technicians are licensed and experienced. We quickly solve any issues that come up and know the most efficient ways to get the job done 
  • Equipment – We have the necessary equipment and advanced tools to get the jobs done correctly and safely  
  • Professional finish – Extra TV points will probably be the most visible part for your family, visitors, or people who like to purchase your home one day! So hiring our professional, extra TV point, installation make the job done right and make them look at its best 

Deciding Where to Put Your TV installation point 

We’ve given several ideas to think creatively. Now, it is the time to determine how many extra TV points you need to install and where? So, before you decide whom to hire for the job, clarify few of the questions…

  • Where is your existing TV set, or where you wish to keep the extra TV that you want to purchase?
  • Do you expect your family needs will be changed in the next ten years?
  • The effect of advanced technology and the need for digital TV installation needs?
  • If you wish to give it on rent or sell it shortly, then the expectation of potential buyers/renters want?

Professional Tech Assessment 

Our technician will come out and does the necessary assessment, make their recommendations, then confirm the quote. We can assess the best spot for your wall and room setup while considering factors like:

  • The positioning of the extra TV point’s installation
  • Deciding the cable length
  • Adding the necessary splitters 
  • Impacts on the signal strength
  • Wall types and wall studs
  • Other services like pipes and electrical set up in your wall

Extras You Need To be Included 

So you already have a TV point, and you wish an extra TV point installation. We can help you achieve the things by using a signal splitter at your original position. It will connect up your cabling from the splitter to your new point. However, it will depend on the quality of your signal, your wall types, and the distance between TV points. If the job is a bit more intricate, then we probably add some extras, such as:  

  • An amplifier –We recommend an amplifier to help increase the signal strength sufficiently if your TV signal is weak after splitting it between multiple TV wall points
  • An antenna upgrade – Upgrading the antenna can be affordable, cost-effective and time if there will be an extra TV point’s installation 
  • Cable upgrades – We check the condition of your existing cable and recommend to upgrade the wire at the time of extra TV point’s installation. 

Remember that the cost of an extra TV point’s installation will be cheaper in the long run if you get them all done in one go!